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Expelliarmus magic items tumbler

Expelliarmus magic items

Annon landed in the middle of the room, his heart full of fear. He searched quickly for Hettie and Paedrin in the gloom. “The trapdoor?” He could feel it in the stones, beckoning him. He did not know what form the treasure took, but he imagined it was something crafted by a Paracelsus. Something with a living spirit trapped inside. An evil spirit.

There is no evil. There is no wickedness. Expelliarmus magic items There are no laws. There is no blame. I am master over death. Take me, Druidecht. Take me from this prison. Use me.

“Over there!” Paedrin answered, pointing to the gap in the wall. Annon started toward it at the same time as Hettie.

Hettie stumbled over something on the floor and went down, landing with a crash. Paedrin sucked in his breath and vaulted into the air, rising like a bird and swooping over the top of the creature, before coming down hard next to her.

“Will you never listen to me!” he glowered at her, grabbing her around the waist and hauling her to her feet.

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The fist of the Goule struck him on the shoulder with a sickening crunch.

Paedrin was flying again, but not because of his breathing. Expelliarmus magic items tumbler The wall of the cave rushed in, and he smashed against it, losing his sight for a moment in a sudden bloom of pain. Pain had never stopped him, though. Pain was a teacher. The creature was getting faster and faster.

“Both of you!” Paedrin said. “The trapdoor! It will only go for one of us at a time. The others need to open the trapdoor. Pull hard on the ring! I will face it.”

He knew his arm would be useless pulling on the ring. He was the fastest of them all. The one most likely to avoid the creature as its speed increased. He rushed at it like a madman, coming up into the air and kicking at its head-like stump. The blows meant nothing to it. It surged at him again, massive fists swinging multiple times now as its speed increased.

Annon and Hettie rushed for the trapdoor and pulled frantically on the iron ring. Even their combined strength was not enough. The slab weighed more than they both could lift.

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Think! His mind was trapped in a fog of pain. His shoulder throbbed, but he shoved the thought of his pain aside. He had experienced worse at the temple. The creature was no being of flesh. It was a guardian. It protected the treasure. But surely there had to be a way to stop it? Physical force was obviously not enough. Flame did not hinder it. What else might?

Paedrin saw Erasmus climbing down a fresh rope, Expelliarmus magic items tumbler hand over hand. He hung from the knotted cord, studying the chamber quickly, his eyes darting this way and that.

“Help Annon and Hettie!” Paedrin said. “Maybe three is what it takes to lift it!”

A rock fist glanced off his temple. He flipped backward, putting more distance between himself and the creature. He was tiring. The relentless pursuit muddled his thinking.