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National football league denver broncos team hoodie

National football league denver broncos team

The way he sat in his chair reminded Paedrin of a lounging alley cat. His arm draped around the back of another chair, lazily displaying the huge black beetle of a ring, flaunting for all to see what he had obtained from a Rike of Kenatos. No one could lie to Kiranrao, that much was certain. The ring detected any falsehood.

Hettie reached the cluster of Preachán and Romani thronging him. She stood at the outer edge, chin high, eyes haughty as she had always proven to be. It was then, when they were close, that Paedrin noticed the sword belted to Kiranrao’s hip. National football league denver broncos team He almost started when he looked directly at it and it wasn’t there. A trick of the light? He looked away and noticed it again, hidden in the shadows of his dusky blue rider’s cloak. It seemed to fade in and out of view, and Paedrin found himself blinking furiously, his mind starting to haze from staring at it too long, as happens to a child when gazing at the sun.

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Kiranrao played with the earring, turning it around between his fingers, letting the hoop twist. Hettie seemed to brace herself as if the earring was a threat. “You look older than your years then. I like them young. My Finders, that is.”

Paedrin saw the expressions on the faces surrounding them. How they leered at Hettie hungrily, but no one would dare act against the one their leader had shown interest in. Like wolves desperate to hunt, but not daring to.

“It wouldn’t be good for my reputation to abandon a customer before the mission is done. If I’m bored and need a job, I know where to find you.”

“You do indeed, lass. You do indeed.” He gave her a nod and again lifted the cup and drank from it. The earring disappeared back into his pocket.